Online Fundraising Tips
Here are some helpful pointers for raising funds online for SOP.
Build a personalised online fundraising page
An online fundraising page is a great to show people why raising money for SOP is meaningful to you. Another great thing about online fundraising platforms is that they allow you to clearly set your fundraising target, so that your audience knows your fundraising goals.
Kick things off by sponsoring yourself
Sponsoring yourself is a fantastic way of setting an example for friends and family by showing your commitment to the work of SOP.
See if your workplace will dollar match
Ask if your workplace is able to support you by matching every dollar you raise for SOP.
Share your fundraising page
A quick and easy way to let everyone what you’re planning and how they can support is by sharing your fundraising page on social media. You can also send an email people in your network with similar information. Don’t forget to continually share your progress on social media as you make progress on your fundraising goal.